A Paintball Season Pass In Pittsburgh
Can’t get enough of Paintball? It’s understanding the thrilling, heart-racing action that is produced from paintball is quite addicting. It’s understandable why players simply can’t get enough. SteelTown Paintball offers players, just like this, a very special deal: A Paintball Season Pass! Why Purchase A Season Pass? A Season Pass makes playing paintball a lot […]
Got the Pittsburgh Birthday Blues?

Stuck In a Rut and Not Sure What to Plan? Birthdays happen every year. Yet, when it comes to planning a party it seems like every year the same problem is present: what do I do? It doesn’t matter if you’re planning a party for a friend, yourself, or a child this dilemma is constant. […]
The History of Our Outdoor Location

Halloween is just around the corner. At SteelTown Paintball. Many people don’t know about the eerie history of our outdoor location. SteelTown Paintball has been operating for years. However, something more sinister used to occupy the grounds many years ago. Dixmont State Hospital to be exact. A Mental Institution Dixmont State Hospital treated all types […]
New Pittsburgh Indoor Paintball Facility
Paintball is an action-packed sport loved by many. It’s a great game that gets hearts racing and adrenaline pumping with its intense color-filled shootouts. Many players love the game and wish to play it all the time. Sadly, the weather isn’t always perfect for paintball games. Pretty soon, SteelTown Paintball is making that wish come […]