Airsoft Monthly Event

1st Sunday of Every Month

Operation Control Point

In the desolate future world of Oakdale, where remnants of civilization cling to survival amidst ruins and desolation, Echo Tower emerges as a towering symbol of strategic importance and defiance. Its skeletal frame rises above the shattered skyline, casting long shadows over the wasteland below.

At its base in Oakdale, Captain James Ward commands the resilient Resistance, a band of determined survivors driven by the dream of reclaiming freedom and rebuilding society. Clad in makeshift armor and bearing weathered weapons, they move with purpose through the debris-strewn streets of Oakdale, their eyes fixed on the distant silhouette of Echo Tower.

Opposing them within Oakdale’s ruins, Lieutenant Sarah Hayes leads the Enforcers. Disciplined and resolute, they embody a stark contrast to the ragtag Resistance. Sarah’s presence is commanding, her voice steady as she briefs her squad on the crucial task of holding Echo Tower. Their mission: to maintain order and impose stability upon the chaos that grips Oakdale.

As the sun rises over Oakdale, painting the sky in hues of crimson and gold, the tension between the two factions reaches its zenith. Gunfire punctuates the air, echoing off crumbling concrete and rusted metal. Bullets ricochet off shattered facades as Alpha breaches Echo Tower’s perimeter defenses, inch by hard-won inch.

Inside the tower, corridors become battlegrounds where survival depends not only on skill but also on unyielding determination. Amidst the chaos, James and Sarah—leaders of their respective forces—find themselves at odds, a fleeting moment of confrontation amid the relentless clash of wills.

The battle for Echo Tower is more than a struggle for territory; it is a clash of ideologies—a fight for the future they envision amidst the ruins of Oakdale. With each passing minute, the outcome hangs in the balance, the fate of both factions inexorably tied to the crumbling walls of Echo Tower and the destiny of Oakdale itself.

Pricing (pay at the door):

Admission: $20  (Members – $10)

BBs (BIO BBs Only): $20 (Members – $15)

Limited Spots Available

Event Schedule

Doors Open at 10:00 AM

Welcome/Safety Briefing: 11:00 AM

First Mission Starts 11:30 AM

Mission 1: Secure and Defend
Objective: Teams must secure and hold a specific control point

The control point is initially neutral. Teams must raise their flag or activate the marker to secure it. Once secured, the team must defend the point against the opposing team. The team that holds the control point at the end of the mission time earns bonus points.

Mission 2: Sabotage
One team must plant a “bomb” at a designated control point and ensure it detonates, while the other team must prevent the plant or defuse the bomb.

Attackers receive a prop bomb with a timer. Attackers must reach the control point, plant the bomb, and start the timer. Defenders can defuse the bomb by reaching it and following specific instructions.
If the bomb detonates, the attackers earn points. If defused, the defenders earn points.

Mission 3: Recon and Intel
Teams must find and retrieve intel items scattered across the battlefield and return them to their base.

Several intel items are hidden at various locations. Teams must locate, retrieve, and safely return the intel to their base. Each intel item returned earns the team points. Opposing teams can intercept and steal intel items from each other.

Mission 4: Rescue the Hostage
Objective: One team must locate and rescue a hostage held by the opposing team and escort them to a designated extraction point.

The hostage is an NPC or a player who cannot move without being escorted.
Rescuers must find the hostage, usually held at a control point like Delta Forest, and lead them to the extraction point. Captors must prevent the rescue and can relocate the hostage within a certain area.
Successfully rescuing the hostage earns the rescuers points. If the captors hold the hostage until the end of the mission, they earn points.

Mission 5: Supply Run
Teams must retrieve supply crates dropped at random locations and return them to their base while fending off the opposing team.

Supply crates contain valuable items. Crates are dropped at pre-determined intervals and locations announced during the game. Teams must race to the drop zone, secure the crate, and bring it back to their base.
Each crate successfully returned earns the team points. Opposing teams can engage and attempt to steal crates from each other.

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